Centre de Ressources Numériques
Méthodologies pour la Modélisation de l'Information Spatiale
Appliquée aux Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société


Bonjour. Nous sommes le samedi 25 janvier 2025 et il est 16:40


    Répertoire de cartes :

  • CartoMed (http://cartomed.mmsh.univ-aix.fr/) :
    Pôle Espace, représentations et usages, Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme, Aix-en-Provence.
  • "A travers le réseau de ses partenaires, il est à l’origine d’un catalogue homogène des cartes et des plans des villes et des pays de Méditerranée. [...] une documentation inédite pour les cartes d’Algérie, d’Egypte, d’Irak, d’Israël, du Liban, de Libye, de Palestine, de Syrie et de Tunisie. Ce site bilingue permet de définir les références des documents recherchés et, éventuellement, de les localiser dans les collections inventoriées."

    Galeries - Fichiers et/ou images en libre accès :

  • Centre de Ressources Numériques M2isa - Collection de cartes :

    Bientôt disponible ! ...

  • Collection de cartes de la bibliothèque Perry-Castañeda (University of Texas at Austin) :
    "The collections of the University of Texas Libraries are the result of more than one hundred years of continuing commitment by librarians, faculty, students, and private donors to build one of the great library collections of the world.
    [...] Over the years, the approach to scanning for the Map Collection site has evolved. Our earliest scans were on a Apple Color One Scanner. Later, we used a Microtek Scan Maker 9800 XL on a Macintosh G4. In the early years of the site, we scanned maps at 150 to 200 dpi. Currently, we usually scan items at a minimum of 400 dpi. Depending on the content/size/smallest detail of the map we will increase that up 800 dpi and on occasion resolution is decreased down to 200 dpi for less detailed maps.
    Our web site includes links to many other web sites. These links do not imply the endorsement or approval of the content of the sites. The University of Texas Libraries is not responsible for the content of other sites. "
  • USGS (the United States Geological Survey) - Maps, Imagery and Publications ;
    "Here you can find maps, Federal Recreation passes, scientific reports, educational materials, and much more !"
  • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - The World Factbook ;
    "National Basic Intelligence Factbook produced semiannually until 1980. Country entries include sections on Land, Water, People, Government, Economy, Communications, and Defense Forces."
  • Euratlas - History and Geography of Europe - Maps and Pictures ;
    "Euratlas is a website dedicated mainly to the historical geography of Europe but it offers also a world atlas and a wide collection of pictures in order to give a comprehensive view of history and geography.
    Our continent is presented here as a wide cultural area limited north by degree 60, east by the Ural - Caspian - Zagros line, south by the Sahara and west by the Atlantic Ocean."